Values: Ideals and promises

A dynamic industry leaves businesses, teams and individual people facing big challenges. Shared values provide a point of orientation, especially when the market environment is unclear or when the times are changing. Shared values endure. PRIO has a value compass that is every bit as simple as it is binding. It is a yardstick for our actions and, simultaneously, a promise directed towards our stakeholders. It guides us in our interactions with partners in planning and construction, in interactions with our buyers and in interactions with our employees.




Our entrepreneurial actions are characterised by the constant expansion of our professional capabilities, including into areas that might appear to be outside of our domain. We firmly believe that a comprehensive understanding of development projects must include an understanding of matters not directly connected to the real estate sector. Constant, extensive curiosity and sensitivity that builds on this curiosity are critical for us to secure our competitiveness. Being open, taking delight in developing further, and having an ability to listen and critically question our own positions are what shape the way in which we think, look for and hold conversations, and the way we work with each other each day.

Our management and team members are united by a willingness to perform at a high level. We are interested in achieving the best results possible for our stakeholders, in every respect. Extraordinary results demand extraordinary commitment, and we commit with a high degree of intrinsic motivation. It takes a strategic understanding of and inner belief in the correctness and relevance of our actions to produce the willingness to perform that lasts in the long term, even when there are setbacks. From what we see, it undeniably delivers the long-term results that we at PRIO set out for each day.

We take responsibility for our actions. The highly capital-intensive nature of our work offers opportunities, but also comes with very wide-ranging obligations. We fulfil these obligations, apply due diligence, and work and communicate with precision and responsibility. The effects of a property last decades, be they on the direct and indirect surroundings, on users, on society or on the environment. This systemic perspective is what makes us approach projects responsibly, taking into account the needs of a wide variety of stakeholders.




Our entrepreneurial actions are characterised by the constant expansion of our professional capabilities, including into areas that might appear to be outside of our domain. We firmly believe that a comprehensive understanding of development projects must include an understanding of matters not directly connected to the real estate sector. Constant, extensive curiosity and sensitivity that builds on this curiosity are critical for us to secure our competitiveness. Being open, taking delight in developing further, and having an ability to listen and critically question our own positions are what shape the way in which we think, look for and hold conversations, and the way we work with each other each day.

Our management and team members are united by a willingness to perform at a high level. We are interested in achieving the best results possible for our stakeholders, in every respect. Extraordinary results demand extraordinary commitment, and we commit with a high degree of intrinsic motivation. It takes a strategic understanding of and inner belief in the correctness and relevance of our actions to produce the willingness to perform that lasts in the long term, even when there are setbacks. From what we see, it undeniably delivers the long-term results that we at PRIO set out for each day.

We take responsibility for our actions. The highly capital-intensive nature of our work offers opportunities, but also comes with very wide-ranging obligations. We fulfil these obligations, apply due diligence, and work and communicate with precision and responsibility. The effects of a property last decades, be they on the direct and indirect surroundings, on users, on society or on the environment. This systemic perspective is what makes us approach projects responsibly, taking into account the needs of a wide variety of stakeholders.